Uses:Glyoxal can react with acetal compounds and produce acetal, is mainly used as the raw material of glyoxylic acid, M2D resin and imidazole , as well as the insoluble adhesive of gelatin, animal glue, cheese, polyvinyl alcohol and starch, and shrinkage-proof agent of artificial silk. Primarily used in medicine, textile, building materials, paper, household chemicals, coatings and adhesive materials and so on.
Packing: 1000, 250, 25 kg /plastic drum or tank car.
Operating Conditions:It must be equipped with i ventilation or gas equipment in the operation place of Glyoxal; It should be stored in a cool and ventilated place. If n accidentally splashed into the eyes, skin, you must immediately wash it with water. Its used container should be fully washed. |